Recognition of Prior Learning in Further Education and Training (FET) in Ireland
This essay will give an overview of the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning in the FET sector in Ireland. Current practice around RPL in FET adheres to national policy requirements and continues to be responsive to industry through increased provision and enhanced employer engagement. The National Framework of Qualifications is a key tool and allows learners to progress to other FET qualifications, gain access to Higher Education, or seek employment. FET in Ireland encompasses IVET education and training centres (including FE Colleges, Training Centres), Work based learning, and Foundation level programs. The needs of the learner remain central and where possible there is an emphasis on fostering social inclusion and the development of transversal skills.
The three case studies featured in this article focus on the development of RPL in the context of the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs), which constitute the majority of the publicly funded FET sector.