AACRAO's "Credit for Prior Learning Practices: Results of the AACRAO December 2014 60 Second Survey"
PLAIO is pleased to include this resource. Our overview is as follows.
In early January, 2015, AACRAO, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, published the results of its December 2014, 60 Second Survey about credit for prior learning (CPL) practices. This survey was intended to capture the credit for prior learning practices most often associated with “mature learners.” According to the results, “[m]ore than two-thirds (83%, n=966) of respondents indicated their institutions accept at least one type of CPL and most accept more than one.”
The full report can be accessed at the following link: http://www.aacrao.org/docs/default-source/PDF-Files/aacrao_dec_2014_60_second_survey_credit_for_prior_learning_practices.pdf?sfvrsn=4
Special thanks to AACRAO and Wendy Kilgore, director of research and managing consultant, for allowing us to share this resource with our readers.